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Photographer: Søren Lynggaard

Folkeklubben (DK)

It's a no-brainer. Folkeklubben will appear at Tønder Festival 2024.

People love this trio, who have been here often, and have a special relationship with Tønder Festival.

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Many of our audience will remember Folkeklubben's first performance here in 2013. "Our first time playing Tønder Festival was as a very raw band. We were to give two concerts in Tent 2. We will never forget those two concerts. It was a turning point in our career," the band have said. Since then, Folkeklubben have had several release concerts in Tønder, and frontman and songwriter Kjartan Arngrim took part in Tønder Festival's momentous Povl Dissing memorial concert in 2022. Folkeklubben are Kjartan Arngrim, guitar, vocal; Rasmus Dall, guitar, and Rasmus Jusjong, drums, have toured extensively since their first album Nye Tider (New Times) came out in 2013. They have a unique grasp of the Danish character and master the knack of singing songs in Danish that tell tales, appealing to a wide audience. Their sixth album Mere end en klub (More Than a Club) (April 2023) was very favourably reviewed. Danish music magazine Gaffa's music critic praised Kjartan Arngrim's particular talent for “blending popular sentiments with deep reflection and real poetry."

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