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27. - 30. august 2025

The organisation


Tønder Festival is run by Tønder Festival Foundation and Tønder Festival Association. The Festival office has seven full-time employees in administration and booking. The Festival production group is led by about 150 people, while the total volunteer force numbers around 3000.

Festival Office

The Board, Tønder Festival Foundation

Tønder Festival Foundation owns Tønder Festival. They decide on new investments for Tønder Festival.

The Board, Tønder Festival Association

Tønder Festival Association runs Tønder Festival and leases the brand from Tønder Festival Foundation. The Association is in charge of the practical running of Tønder Festival. You can join Tønder Festival Association. By becoming a member you help ensure the future of Tønder Festival and support Tønder Festival Association's charitable work. You have a vote at the annual general meeting, provided you volunteered at the previous year's Tønder Festival. To join or renew your membership of Tønder Festival Association, send 100 DKK to account no. 7970-0001106183 or MobilePay no. 51685. Remember to give your name when you pay.

Section Leader Committee

Patron: H.K.H. Princess Marie


Extra camp tickets for Sibirien

On Tuesday, 4 February at 11:00 AM, we will release a limited number of additional camp tickets on 'Sibirien' for sale.

Practical links

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