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27. - 30. august 2025
Photographer: Laura Bisgaard Krogh

Guldimund (DK)

Thursday, 22. August - 10:30 - Open Air
Thursday, 22. August - 10:30 - Open Air

Tønder Festival has a special gift for our young festival guests at the schools concert this year: the Danish star Guldimund. Songwriter, singer and musician Asger Nordtorp Pedersen, stage name Guldimund, has won success in short order and is currently one of the biggest names in Danish popular music. His most recent album Jeg venter i lyset (I Wait in the Light) from 2023 was showered with five-star reviews. The single Det’ kun vigtigt, hvad det er (All That Matters Is What It Is) was a favourite on Radio Denmark P3 and won the title Listener Hit of the Year on P3 Gold. Guldimund's 2021 debut album Dem vi plejede at være (Who We Used to Be), won him three prizes at the annual Steppeulv awards. Guldimund will appear with his band, and the schools concert is his only show at the festival.

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