

Absage von John Moreland

27. Juli 2019

John Moreland hat leider sein Konzert beim diesjährigen Tønder Festival absagen müssen. Das Festival arbeitet intensiv daran einen Ersatz zu finden.

Wir wünschen John Moreland alles Gute.

Das Festival hat diese Nachricht vom Management von John Moreland erhalten:

We regret to inform you that John will not be performing the following dates in Europe:
August 23 – Tonder, DK – Tonder Festival
August 24 – Amsterdam, NL – Once In A Blue Moon

Flying is both physically and mentally very difficult for John. His anxiety about getting on an airplane has passed the breaking point, and so it is not healthy for him to fly anywhere. So, we’ve decided that he will not be performing overseas until further notice. This has been an extremely tough decision for John. He loves his fans in Europe and around the world. He looks forward to the day that he can return and play again. Thank you for your respect and support at this time.
— Management

Tønder Festival Logo
Tønder Festival Logo
Vestergade 80,
6270 Tønder
Dänemark, Europa
Montag: Geschlossen
Di. Bis Do.: 10 – 12 Uhr
Freitag: Geschlossen

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